Podobno Filmi
The Gorge
The Gorge7.77 2025 HD
Dva visoko usposobljena operativca se na daljavo zbližata, potem ko sta bila poslana, da varujeta nasprotni strani skrivnostne soteske. Ko se spodaj...
Tvegani let
Tvegani let6.00 2025 HD
Pilot Daryl Booth prevzame nalogo prevoza zvezne maršalke Madelyn in zaščitene priče Winstona, ki je ključna priča v primeru proti...
Anora7.10 2024 HD
Anori, mladi striptizeti iz brooklynske Male Odese se odprejo vrata v boljše življenje, ko spozna Ivana, razvajenega a prikupnega sina...
Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet
Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet6.19 2025 HD
Kmalu po srečanju z novim predsednikom ZDA Thaddeusom Rossom se Sam Wilson znajde v središču velikanskega mednarodnega incidenta. V...
Valovanje8.32 2024 HD
Ko zemljo zajame povodenj, si živalska druščina z mačko na čelu poišče zavetje na čolnu. Da bi preživele, se morajo naučiti...
Mickey 17
Mickey 177.10 2025 HD
Mickey Barnes je poslan na nevarno misijo, da bi koloniziral ledeni planet Niflheim. Ko ena različica Mickeyja umre, se ustvari dvojnik, ki hrani...
Sopotnica7.00 2025 HD
V bližnji prihodnosti se šest prijateljev zbere v oddaljeni koči ob jezeru, da bi preživeli sproščen vikend. Toda mirno idilo zmoti...
熊猫计划7.02 2024 HD
Demon City 鬼ゴロシ
Demon City 鬼ゴロシ6.70 2025 HD
Substanca7.13 2024 HD
Elisabeth Sparkle, 50-letna zvezdnica v zatonu kariere se odloči uporabiti zdravilo s črnega trga, snov za razmnoževanje celic, ki začasno...
Priporočilo Filmi
Spellbound7.50 2011 HD
A magician meets a weird girl and offers her to work together in his magic show. It's only until a year later that he starts to know her personally...
Veteran6.90 2015 HD
When an old collaborator gets severely injured, a veteran policeman tries to figure out the way to bring to justice the ultimately suspected...
The Foul King
The Foul King6.80 2000 HD
A timid and extravagant bank clerk, Dae-ho is considered inefficient at his workplace. As he tries to be recognized by his superior, his efforts only...
Hidden Blade
Hidden Blade6.30 2023 HD
Follows the story of underground workers who risked their lives to send intelligence and defend the motherland, set after Japan's attack on Pearl...
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom6.10 2000 HD
High school senior, Jayo is seduced into his first sexual experience by classmate Hara, who eventually kills herself when he ignores her. Since then,...
For Love's Sake
For Love's Sake6.90 2012 HD
Troubled high school student Makoto arrives in Tokyo to exact revenge from a past incident. He then falls in love at first sight with Ai, a daughter...
Man in Love
Man in Love7.50 2014 HD
Tae-Il lives a fast life as low level thug. He then learns that he has a terminal illness and not much time left to live. Then, for the first time in...
Hearty Paws 2
Hearty Paws 26.00 2010 HD
When loveable Labrador Maeumee has a set of puppies, Dong-Wook's grades start to suffer. Because of this, Dong-Wook's mother decides to get rid of...
Pinochet and His Three Generals
Pinochet and His Three Generals7.50 2004 HD
In 1976-77, José Ma Berzosa contacted General Pinochet during a trip to Chilean Antarctica. On his return to Santiago, Pinochet agreed to be...
Phantom7.50 2013 HD
In Tokyo, a girl and her boyfriend spend a night talking about their life, their precarious condition and their difficulties to earn a living, their...