Podobný Filmy
Bad Boy Bubby
Bad Boy Bubby7.00 1993 HD
Hore7.96 2009 HD
78-ročný predavač balónov Carl Fredricksen žije v malom, starom, útulnom domčeku uprostred veľkomestskej zástavby....
Smrtiace safari
Smrtiace safari5.80 2007 HD
Tom Newman a jeho rodina sa vyberú na dovolenku do Afriky, aby načerpali nové sily a hlavne, aby sa jeho dve deti zblížili s...
Ovečka Shaun vo filme
Ovečka Shaun vo filme7.00 2015 HD
Život na farme je nekonečná nuda. Každý deň plynie v rovnakom rytme, Shaun musí poslúchať a robiť, čo jej...
Zahrievacie kolo
Zahrievacie kolo6.39 2006 HD
Komedia Zahrievacie kolo sa odohrava v polovici 80. rokov minuleho storocia a rozprava pribeh Briana Jacksona, chlapca z robotnickeho prostredia,...
Dobrodružstvo na Aljaške
Dobrodružstvo na Aljaške6.10 2008 HD
V siedmom pokračovaní ságy Air Bud sa milí a hebkí zlatí retríveri Budderball, B-Dawg, RoseBud, Buddha a...
Marley a ja
Marley a ja7.19 2008 HD
Novomanželia John a Jenny Groganovci sa rozhodnú, že opustia drsné zimy Michiganu a začnú nový život na slnečnej...
Takmer hrdinovia
Takmer hrdinovia5.40 1998 HD
Kam zamieria kroky bádateľov Lewisa a Clarka, tam ich prenasledujú Hunt a Edwards, ktorí dúfajú, že...
Wallace a Gromit Cesta na Mesiac
Wallace a Gromit Cesta na Mesiac7.47 1990 HD
Pan Wallace a jeho pes Gromit si postavili raketu a letí vstříc neuvěřitelnému dobrodružství. Britský...
Wallace a Gromit Nesprávne nohavice
Wallace a Gromit Nesprávne nohavice7.80 1993 HD
Obyvatelům West Wallaby Street se nedostává peněz a Wallace proto musí přijmout podnájemníka. Novým...
Odporúčanie Filmy
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey7.00 1993 HD
Before the Seavers leave for a family vacation to San Francisco, they drop off their pets -- Chance, an adventurous American bulldog; Shadow, a wise...
Burnt Offerings
Burnt Offerings6.50 1976 HD
A couple and their 12-year-old son move into a giant house for the summer. Things start acting strange almost immediately. It seems that every time...
Young Einstein
Young Einstein5.20 1988 HD
Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When...
The Small One
The Small One6.90 1978 HD
Ordered by his father to sell an old mule called Small One, a Hebrew boy in the ancient Holy Land takes the donkey to the Jerusalem market. Finding...
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights5.90 1942 HD
Two half brothers battle each other for the power of the throne and the love of sensual, gorgeous dancing girl Scheherazade.
Vision – From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen
Vision – From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen6.20 2009 HD
Hildegard von Bingen was truly a woman ahead of her time. A visionary in every sense of the word, this famed 12th-century Benedictine nun was a...
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle4.20 2000 HD
Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into...
New York, I Love You
New York, I Love You5.90 2008 HD
New York, I Love You delves into the intimate lives of New Yorkers as they grapple with, delight in and search for love. Journey from the Diamond...
Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web6.80 1973 HD
Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with...
Lietajúci Bud
Lietajúci Bud5.60 1997 HD
Josh je jedenásťročný chlapec, ktorý sa so svojou mamičkou práve prisťahoval do zapadnutého mestečka...