Satou Ken'etsu is a mangaka born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from Miyagi Prefectural Furukawa Senior High School and afterwards entered Yoyogi Animation School. He is best known for providing the art for manga adaptations of the Mai-Hime multi-media franchise and the Seikon no Qwaser manga.
- Título: 佐藤健悦
- Popularidade: 0.163
- Conhecido por: Art
- Aniversário:
- Local de nascimento: Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
- Pagina inicial:
- Também conhecido como: Satou Ken`etsu, 佐藤 健悦, さとう けんえつ, Satō Kenetsu, Kenetsu Satou, Satou Kenetsu, Satô Kenetsu